Stepping Stones To A Healthy Stepfamily


Stepfamilies are a  Merger, not a Blending

If you are considering marrying into, a newly formed stepfamily, or a stepfamily of many years, Stepping Stones to a Healthy Stepfamily  is a guide to help understand stepfamily relationships and a road map for wherever you are in the journey. If you are looking for help with your Stepfamily, this book is for you. Janet Nicholas LPC LCDC EAP is a wife, mother, stepmother, grandmother and professional counselor.

The author offers fresh insight from someone who “has been there” personally and professionally. Four years of research, personal anecdotes, and stories of real life stepfamily scenarios culminate into a book that takes the reader on a guided journey.

Stepping Stones to a Healthy Stepfamily , a guide to help understand stepfamily relationships, presents the concept of the “merger” of stepfamilies rather than the “blend”.

This book delves into how the past affects the present in adults and children and is unique to the stepfamily system. Specific interventions give readers new skills, direction, and hope. This complex topic is presented in straightforward, readable format for stepfamily members, clinicians, lay-counselors, or the pastoral community:

• Learn how to address the distant and recent past in order to provide opportunities for growth for adults, children, teens, and adult children.

• How to deal with difficult and complex situations unique to stepfamilies.

• All adult stepfamilies and their specific challenges.

• Conflict resolution.

• Understanding the challenges for children, no matter their age: child, teen or adult children.

• Parenting issues in the stepfamily.

• How to balance marriage with the demands of raising children and stepchildren.

• Personal anecdotes from the author and her husband of thirty-three years.